This shelve hung in my mothers house many years. When she passed away several years ago, it became ours, which I suppose was apporiate, because I built this when I was a junior in high school. It was my first woodworking project. It is made of solid mahogany. If my memory serves me right the material cost between 5 and 6 dollars. Now you have to realize that I said if my memory serves me right, which it does'nt always at my age. The same lumber today would probably cost 50 or 60 dollars at least. The shelve use to have a finial on top in the middle. I don't know what happened to it. It was missing when we got it. Maybe one day I will start up the old lathe and turn a new one. The shelve has some nicks and scratches, but I must say that 50 years latter it looks better than it's builder. I enjoy building things, but I don't like finishing, and I remember the teacher that we had. His name was Mr. Phelps and he was a perfectionest. So it seemed like I sanded on it for 6 months. I would sand and sand and sand and he would find a small scratch and it was sand some more. But I must say it did look pretty good when it was finished. I have even thought about sanding it down and refinishing it, but I got to thinking no one can sand me down and refinish me, so why should'nt I let it show it's 50 years also. Until another time, Jim.