Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I was tagged by Buddy at http://budjonjakejess.blogspot.com to do this meme....so here it goes....: )Here are the rules for this meme:1. link to the person that tagged you.2. Post the rules on your blog.3. Share 6 non-important thing/habits/quirks/about yourself4. Tag 6 random people at the end of your post.5. Let each random person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Things about me:

01. I have had false teeth since I was nineteen years old.

02. I am deathly afraid of spiders. :0(

03. I have been a carpenter since I was a teenager working with my Dad.

04. I enjoyed drag racing as a teenager BUT I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT FOR MY GRANDCHILDRE OR ANYONE ELSE.

05. I love to tell and enjoy a good clean joke.

06. I love politics.

Now anyone else who wants to do this, you are tagged and besure and let me know if you deside to do so I can come read what you write. Jim

1 comment:

TO BECOME said...

Dear Jim, Shame on you, drag racing. I sure hope no one reads this.lol You are still an old dear even if you do hate spiders. love you, connie


My photo
Freeport, Texas, United States
My name is Jim McEntire. I am 65 years old. I have been married to the same wonderful woman for almost 45 years. We have 5 children,19 grandkids,and 3 great grandkids. I am the second oldest of 5 kids. I was born in Malakoff,Tx. on March 8,1941. We have lived in Freeport,Tx. since 1967. I am a retired carpenter from Dow Chemical Co. We are charter members of Faith Baptist Church in Freeport (the best church in the world).