Friday, July 20, 2007


I have been tagged by Connie of "Connies-thoughts From The Heart" to do a Me ME ME.
01. Post the rules before you give the facts
02. Players start with 8 random facts/habits about themselves
03. People who are tagged need to write their own blog
04. At the end of your blog you need to choose eight people that you tag and list their names. Don't forget to leave them a comment, telling them they are tagged, and to read your blog.
01. As a little kid, I was horrified of flushing toliets and airplanes. I had rarely seen a flushing toliet as a child.
02. I got my first false teeth at age 18.
03. I started smoking at age 12 and quit at age 32. PRAISE GOD!!!
04. I always love hearing and telling a good clean joke.
05. I had my tonsils removed at age 32, that was fun. Yeh ?
06. Woodworking is my hobby but I never seem to have enough tools.
07. I retired as a Dow Chemical Carpenter in Noverber of 1994 after 27 1/2 years.
08. I love meeting new people.
01.Bill of "Quill of Bill."
02. Larry of "PawPaw."
03. Jeremy of "Considerations Of A Contender."
04. James of "Fully Persuaded Baptist."
05. Jason of "Peace Keeper."
06. Jeff of "Texas True To Lone Star Blue."
07. Daniel of "Titanic Station."
If any of you do not want to do this, please feel free not to do it. Jim, Dad, Grandpa

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Well it's been a few hours since I've posted, so I guess it's about time. Really I was trying to hold off until Jason, Jeremy and Jeff posted. Well I waited out Jason, but Jeff and Jeremy still hasn't posted, so I give up.
As most know I went back to work full time about a month ago. I say full time, and I have only worked 40 hours one week. Part was at my request, and at other times it was because there was nothing to do. My understanding is that they have work coming soon. I enjoyed it so far, but I'm not to dissappointed when they send me home to be with my sweetheart. I am working for G.S.I. It is a contracting company that does work inside the chemical plants. I hired in as a carpenter, but I was told that I would be doing some sheetrock work, such as taping and floating, and textureing, which I would like to learn. I always enjoy learning new things. My big concern was being on my feet for 8 hours, and when I went to work I found out I would'nt be on my feet 8 hours, but instead they work 4 10 hour days, so instead of being on my feet for 8 hours I'm on my feet for 10 hours. On top of all that I found out that I was required to wear steel toed shoes, so I'm on my feet 10 hours a day breaking in a new pair of steel toed shoes. My feet hurt terribly bad for a few days, but it is much better now. It's Tina's (my daughter-in laws) fault that my feet hurt. Let me explain. The last time that they were at our house, she noticed that I had bunnions on my feet, and she asked me if they hurt and I told her no, but they have hurt ever since, so it's her fault, because she brought it to my attention. I always thought everybodys feet looked like that.
I will try to post more often, because I have decided that I can't out wait Jeff, and Jeremy.


My photo
Freeport, Texas, United States
My name is Jim McEntire. I am 65 years old. I have been married to the same wonderful woman for almost 45 years. We have 5 children,19 grandkids,and 3 great grandkids. I am the second oldest of 5 kids. I was born in Malakoff,Tx. on March 8,1941. We have lived in Freeport,Tx. since 1967. I am a retired carpenter from Dow Chemical Co. We are charter members of Faith Baptist Church in Freeport (the best church in the world).